Can we stop all road accidents? The answer is NO, but we can reduce them. Some accidents are caused by road conditions, disasters and sudden illness so we cannot live in perfect traffic-safe world. There are some conditions that we cannot change as we want...
The stage is Western Australia of 1931. They are stories of girls of three aborigines who ardently want to back their home town by wanting meet their mother. Aborigines residence ground was chased after it became a British territory in 1770, and there was se...
There are many advantages of working from home. The first advantage is for some disabled people. Computer system programmers, writers, dressmakers, traders, they all can go for their work. Just do not have to. On the other hand, unhealthy people, or disabled p...
Please give me something hot to drink. この文の訳は、「わたしに何かあったかい飲み物をください(わたしに何か飲むためのあったかいものをください。)。」である。形容詞は次にくる名詞を修飾しているはずが、hotが後ろから修飾している。何故後ろから修飾しているのだろう...
Merry Christmas! I have a big present for you. It is LIFE. Well, the topic of my speech is AIDS, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome, and those who are suffering from AIDS. I know you think, “Here comes another serious speech and this time it is about AIDS.”...
Environmental problems, such as dioxin and global warming, attract big attention today. In order to decrease the burden to the earth and to use resources effectively, we need decreasing garbage and recycling. This is an important problem to consider our future...
フランス語では、数字の70をsoixante et dix ,80をquatre-vingts,90をquatre-vingt-dixという、日本語や英語などから見たら変わった数え方をしている。これは、20進法に基づいた数え方であるようだが、70未満の数では日本同様の10進法が用いられている。 このことから、...
英語で固有名詞の扱い方に学生達はよくとまどいを覚える。もともと固有名詞の意味さえしっかり理解していない学生も多いようである。固有名詞に関してよく学生が間違えてしまう文法がある。例えば、次のような例文だ。 (例) This is Doraemon who has ‘Yojigen-Pocket’. この文...
Daughter These four characters, written downwards, are shown on the right side in the 'stiff' form, which approximates the printed form, and which is the one learnt at school .The middle column shows the same characters in cursive 'running' style, which is sli...