代表キーワード :: 語学


  • What causes road accidents
  • Can we stop all road accidents? The answer is NO, but we can reduce them. Some accidents are caused by road conditions, disasters and sudden illness so we cannot live in perfect traffic-safe world. There are some conditions that we cannot change as we want...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/26
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  • 留学生を知る
  • 私がこれまでに受けた外国語の授業の中で最もよかったと思うものは、高校三年生のときの文法の授業で使ったシャドーウィングという方法である。ある文法が入った文を暗記するためにこの方法を使った。 まず、生徒同士でペアを作る。分かりやすいように、ここでは2人をA、Bとする...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/24
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  • 日本語と地理
  • 日本語は「あいまいな言語」だ、といわれることがある。しかし私はそうは思わない。なぜならそれは、欧米的なものさしで日本語を測ろうとしているにすぎないからである。たとえば食事に誘われたが行きたくない場合、どう答えるだろうか。たいていの日本人は「行きたくありません」...
  • 550 販売中 2006/01/09
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  • Psychology of a Happy Married Couple
  • Psychology of a Happy Married Couple “Marriage is second life”, I think. As soon as they get married, they start to step with their partner. In recent years, divorced couples are increasing. So, there must be important psychology in a Happy Married Couple. F...
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/12
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  • パートタイム社員と正社員について
  • Now in Japan, the employment rate is on the increase and the unemployment rate is coming down, but the improved situation may be only a faked. More and more companies are eager to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers today. First, I am goin...
  • 550 販売中 2005/11/10
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  • Of Mice and Men
  • John Steinbeck, born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California, to John Ernst and Olive Hamilton Steinbeck attended Stanford University between 1920 and 1926, but never graduated from Stanford, but instead chose to support himself through manual labor while ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/31
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  • The negative influences of television
  • Television has positive influences; however, I think its negative influences are more serious for people. It influences not only their health but also their way of thinking. Since people got own television, their life-styles have been changed considerably. An...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/30
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  • Should“Visa Overstayers” be allowed?
  • Should“Visa Overstayers” be allowed? These days, there are huge numbers of “Visa Overstayers” who are working in Japan. Those foreign people came to Japan as legal tourists, but after they had came in this country so easily, they started to work and ...
  • 550 販売中 2005/07/22
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  • 寅さんについてのエッセー
  • The death of the Japanese actor Kiyoshi Atumi on july 4,1996 was not only the death of a star. Atumi played the character of Torasan in a movie for more than 30 years. Name is “Otoko wa turaiyo”.
  • 1,100 販売中 2005/11/10
  • 閲覧(1,001)
  • Infant Education
  • Infant Education Infant education is "education to perform through environment". Environment is material environment, human environment, nature which an infant contacts with and time to spend. Material environment is equipped, and in playground equipments. Hum...
  • 550 販売中 2006/11/12
  • 閲覧(992)