Child Welfare in Japan


    • ページ数 : 1ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    My topic is about Child Welfare in Japan.
    And my main point is on the Child Care Facilities.
    Many children have serious problems in their home.
    For example, some are orphan children and some children’s parent is in the hospital.
    And not only these kinds of problems, problem about money, if parents lost their job, this is serious problem.
    And I think the worst problem is the violence in their homes.
    So the children who have some kind of problem in their home, not all but many children go into the Child Care Facilities.
    Child Care Facilities care the children until they can live by themselves.
    There are more than 500 Child Care Facilities in our country.
    Their daily life is very similar to us.
    They woke up, eat breakfast, go to school, come back, do their homework and have some free times and go to bath and go to bed.
    It seems like good place but of course it’s different if we compare to normal family.
    There are many children in one building, so they have to keep the group rules.
    And the stuffs are like the parents of the children but those stuffs are workers.
    They need some holidays and they want to have rest. Also we have law that we can’t work for all day
    So, stuffs can’t stay with the children all the time so, sometimes this makes the distance between stuffs and children.
    And from old days, violence in Child Care Facilities is very serious problem.
    Not all, but certainly some place doing.
    Physically violence like hitting and kicking, Mentally violence is like say bad thing to children. And some places have sexual violence to the children.

    資料の原本内容 ( この資料を購入すると、テキストデータがみえます。 )

    My topic is about Child Welfare in Japan.
    And my main point is on the Child Care Facilities.
    Many children have serious problems in their home.
    For example, some are orphan children and some children's parent is in the hospital.
    And not only these kinds of problems, problem about money, if parents lost their job, this is serious problem.
    And I think the worst problem is the violence in their homes.
    So the children who have some kind of problem in their home, not all but many children go into the...


