Do They Know It’s Christmas?


    • ページ数 : 3ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     Merry Christmas! I have a big present for you. It is LIFE. Well, the topic of my speech is AIDS, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome, and those who are suffering from AIDS. I know you think, “Here comes another serious speech and this time it is about AIDS.” Hmm, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever taken AIDS seriously? Have you ever thought of how the patients feel? I never think you have and I do not mean to blame you about it. Actually, I had had no interest in AIDS before I decided to write a speech about the disease. Today, I am standing here to discuss the social environment for AIDS patients and suggest how we can deal with the situation.
     As you know, the cause of AIDS is human immune-deficiency virus, HIV. According to an article in Mainichi Newspaper, over 4,000 people in Japan are HIV positive. Some people hide or do not notice the status, so the actual figure is said to be much bigger than 4,000. Please keep in mind that you may be a HIV-Carrier, only do not know it.
     What do think of AIDS patients? If you are found HIV-positive, you have to fight against two things. The first thing is, not to mention, the fear of the heavy symptom of HIV. The second enemy is social pressure against the HIV-Infected. In other words, the patients are suffering from people’s cold looks to them, discrimination.
     You may wonder, “Are the patients really suffering from the discrimination?” I must say, “Yes.” Here is a true story.


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    Do They Know It's Christmas?
    Merry Christmas! I have a big present for you. It is LIFE. Well, the topic of my speech is AIDS, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome, and those who are suffering from AIDS. I know you think, "Here comes another serious speech and this time it is about AIDS." Hmm, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever taken AIDS seriously? Have you ever thought of how the patients feel? I never think you have and I do not mean to blame you about it. Actually, I had had no intere...


