Peripheral Persuasion&Social loafing


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    When I went to the assembly election 2004, I voted for Renhou who is the youngest and famous candidate. She mentioned “arousing young power”,”experienced News caster”, “new wind to government”, or so far. I don’t remember well about her detailed argument, but I voted her because she seems nicer and cleaner that other candidate. She won the assembly race and became a congress.
    I was persuaded by the Peripheral rout to persuasion which “focusing on cues that trigger acceptance without much thinking.”(p249) Her argument is not concrete or involved issues, so I didn’t much analytically agree because she didn’t present specific practical ideas. I didn’t much think about the advantage of young power or usefulness of experience as News caster, but it cues that trigger liking and acceptance because those words enhance the speaker’s attractiveness. It seems some risks for next election because she won heuristics and incidental cues that are not everlasting. She may lose against fresh favorable person or persuasive person who accumulated his supporter.

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    Psych 0210
    Application #4 from Chapter 7
    General Topic: Persuasion
    Specific Topic: Peripheral Persuasion
    When I went to the assembly election 2004, I voted for Renhou who is the youngest and famous candidate. She mentioned "arousing young power","experienced News caster", "new wind to government", or so far. I don't remember well about her detailed argument, but I voted her because she seems nicer and cleaner that other candidate. She won the assembly race and became a congress.
    I ...


