How to understand culture without misunderstanding


    • ページ数 : 2ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


     We often use a word “culture”, but what is culture? It doesn’t have its shape, but a notion. So we have different image of culture. Let us begin with review of the lecture.
     First, culture classified into three stages. The first one is stereotype, the second one is objective and the third one is subjective. First, I want to show what the stereotype stage is. For example, it is often said that Western people are taller than Japanese people or Black people are good at basketball.

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    How to understand culture without misunderstanding
    We often use a word "culture", but what is culture? It doesn't have its shape, but a notion. So we have different image of culture. Let us begin with review of the lecture.
    First, culture classified into three stages. The first one is stereotype, the second one is objective and the third one is subjective. First, I want to show what the stereotype stage is. For example, it is often said that Western people are taller than Japanese people or Blac...


