

    • ページ数 : 1ページ
    • 会員550円 | 非会員660円


    All statistics the writer has seen show that the majority of people in advanced countries do not as sleep well as that they did a few decades ago. Although there are many factors which can be considered, I will divide these reasons into two parts; external factors and internal factors. Then, I will mention the effects of sleeplessness.

    The main external factor of our lack of sleep is entertainment and the attraction of night life.
    we are preoccupied with entertainment activities as a stress release whereas in my grandfather’s day has little. People enjoy their night life such as drinking, chatting and dancing. Late night program on television or internet surfing or chatting are also main factors that cause people not to go to bed early.

    The main internal of our lack of sleep is stress because we live in a 24 hour-society where people work in a democratic society so people compete every minute to earn money. The business world does not sleep to maintain this 24 cycle and some people will sacrifice their sleep in order to get money. Even children play an important role in the competitive society; therefore, they will study hard to survive in the society. Needless to say, those people pile up their frustrations and these pressures of the ‘money-talks society’ and hard study result in a lack of sleep.
    Both external and internal factors causing of sleeplessness result in the same effects. The less sleep people have, the less ability they have to concentrate.





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    Task#3-sleep less
    Aug 18
    Some people believe that humans sleep less now than they did in the past. What are some possible causes of this phenomenon? What effects could getting sleep have on us?
    All statistics the writer has seen show that the majority of people in advanced countries do not as sleep well as that they did a few decades ago. Although there are many factors which can be considered, I will divide these reasons into two parts; external factors and internal factors. Then, I will mentio...


